I went in for my appointment today at my new clinic - which I *LOVE* I missed my 28 week appointment at my last clinic and this was the soonest I could get in at this clinic so I had my
1 hour glucose test today and I FAILED! I got a 160. I need to measure below 140 to be in the clear. If I would have measured 200 or more then I would have just been considered to have
Gestational Diabetes. I have to go back within the next week to take the
3 hour test, which I am NOT looking forward to. I passed with Graycen and never had to worry about it. My blood pressure is 'beautiful' which is great to hear! The nurse said to me "So, June 21, huh?" I replied with "June 21? I thought the doctor said the 23rd..??" She said "Nope, we have written here the 21st. Let me check your dates. Nope - the 21st is your due date." Ok. So that would mean
I was right when I calculated my due date myself before I even had any appointments! So, we are back to the 21st. My ultrasound measures the 13th but they're not changing it.
I have my follow-up ultrasound appointment set for Tuesday of next week. This is the appointment where we will see if the
placenta has moved or not... let's keep our fingers crossed that it has! Unfortunately, I will not get the results of that ultrasound until the following Tuesday when I go in for my 30 week appointment (which I will really be 31.5 weeks along at that point...) Crazy, crazy, crazy!
I didn't pass my 1 hour glucose test the first time. The 3 hour one sucks...a lot...especially since they have to draw blood like 3 times, but I found out that my body just doesn't handle sweets very well, or at least that is what they deduced. I passed the 3 hour (I didn't have gestational diabetes) but barely. But has that stopped me from consuming sweets? No. I like them too much.
You're getting so close to your due date! I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to meet Parker! Ahh!
I've had GD twice now. It is really annoying but possible to make it through. Most people pass the 3 hour, but just in case, you have a shoulder to lean on.
I feel for you, I did both tests and failed both. Hello gestational diabetes. Hope you don't have to deal with it, but if you do know that it's really not that bad. If you do though I have lots of carb friendly (and yummy) recipes that helped me get through the last few months. Good luck!
Ugh- sorry to hear that. I hope the 3-hour goes better. I'm glad you love your new clinic, too!
I failed both of mine, too. I had GD and just had to do the low carb diet thing. Not horrible, but not fun. I hope you pass the 3 hour. I actually got sick a little, too, but it wasn't enough to even tell them about. :) And, I drank the orange crap.
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