Saturday, September 20, 2008

The New 35W Bridge

I know I have a lot of things (updates) to post about but this is something that seemed to hit me pretty hard today. As we were driving home from the apple orchard we got off of 94 and were getting onto 35W when I turned to David and said, "Are we going to be driving over the new bridge?" He looked at me and said, "I'm pretty sure we will. Actually, yes, we will be. Oh, I think this is it right here, isn't it?" I didn't know at that moment. I looked ahead a little and saw the Gateway Monuments and knew it was the 35w bridge. Immediately my stomach sank and my eyes filled with tears. Next thing I knew, I was in full-blown crying mode. David asked me what was wrong and I honestly couldn't tell him because I had no idea why I was crying. Right after we got off the bridge, Graycen started whining because she needed help getting her sock off. It distracted me and took me away from the moment, thankfully.

I don't know what it was that came over me at that exact moment, but it was pretty powerful. I felt pretty sick to my stomach for a little while after we crossed the bridge and every time I think of the moment, I get really sad. I can't seem to sort these feelings. I don't know if it's the fact that I think of the people that lost their lives when they were doing the same thing we were and just crossing the bridge. So many people on their way home from somewhere and their lives are just interrupted by this huge tragedy. I can't even imagine.


Anonymous said...

When you said " I think of the people that lost their lives when they were doing the same thing we were and just crossing the bridge". I believe that is what made you cry. Because it was an innocent venture that they, you and anyone who has driven the bridge day after day after day... then it just happened. It is a very sad moment. It is OK to feel it.... you are blessed to understand the moment, and feel the moment..... love you

Rebecca said...

I drove over the bridge for the first time today. I didn't think anything of it until I came up to the bridge. It was difficult to drive over. Like you, I am not entirely sure why. I think it was the contrast of normalcy and the idea that the ground could give way and tumble into the river. Will that bridge ever be normal to us?

Anti-Supermom said...

What a good post. I think that this is a wound is still very fresh, this was just a little over a year ago. It's amazing that a bridge was built in that amount of time, but I think that it was necessary for those that need the 'bandage' the bridge provides.

Kaosong said...

I would get emotional also, I would imagine. It's very close to home for me and I am no longer even there.