Thursday, April 17, 2008

Parker's 30 Week Ultrasound Pictures

I have scanned, yes, scanned (thanks for the assurance on this one Missy!) the pictures from my ultrasound the other day - finally!!
You can see just how cute and fat his face is - just like Graycen's!


jessica @pianomomsicle said...

Aw, he's so cute!
i hope to meet him...i haven't even met Graycen yet!

Anti-Supermom said...

So sweet! Have you taken your GD test yet? At this rate, even if you have it, it will only be for a few weeks. My OB would not let me go past 38 weeks with GD, though this varies a ton. (I have yet to make it to 38 weeks.)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for my first pictures of Parker......... he is my little chubbers.. love him to death.. tell him grams says hi......

Steph said...

Awww! How exciting! I love seeing ultrasound pictures, it's like cheating and getting to see your baby early--I loved my ultrasound pictures of Hailey. I cannot wait to meet the little guy!

Katie Osborn said...

Oh I'm so excited for you guys!! Before you know it, you will be meeting him!