I had my follow-up ultrasound this morning and everything went well!!
My placenta has moved!!! This means I don't have placenta previa and there is no scheduled c-section in front of us because of it! I can't even put into words how excited I am by this news! It's just wonderful! Wonderful, I tell ya!
I didn't get to watch on the screen while the technician was getting her stuff since it didn't rotate and the tv they hook up for you to watch on wasn't hooked up for some reason. She did take 4 pics for me, which I am happy about. As soon as I saw the pictures, I started to cry. Parker is just adorable! She said he has a chubby face, which is no surprise! I think he looks like Graycen. David says "you think so?" and I do! I can't believe how different he looks from 10 weeks ago. It's so crazy!
Great news - hooray!!! :)
i'm so glad for you!
You must be relieved the previa is gone: my friend with previa is getting a section on Saturday, at 34 weeks.
i'm so glad it worked out better for you!
Such great news!
Yay! Glad to hear it!
Hooray! Congratulations!
That is great news! I'm so sorry about the 3 hour glucose test though. That reallly sucks! The things us mammas go through.
How wonderful to hear that. I wish I could see those pictures of my sweetheart... I think I will call him my chubbers... I wish I was there........
oh congrats! Glad to hear you don't have to have a C-section! My placenta was blocking too but lucky it moved also!
Yay for chubby babies! And good news all around :)
Hooray! And yes, I totally think it's possible to see Parker's resemblance to Graycen at this age. I thought Ben looked a lot like Daniel in his ultrasounds (and I thought Daniel looked a lot like his dad).
YAY! awesome news to hear! and so sorry to hear you got sick w/the 3 hour ordeal. :( that just sucks. I hope you make it thru the next appt. OK !
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