As we speak, Graycen is sleeping - in her big girl bed! Last night was a little rough. Not as rough as I had expected but let's just say, I am very tired today. She woke up about 45 minutes after I put her to sleep and was back to sleep within 10 minutes. I just sat there and rubbed her back - thankfully, it worked. I checked in on her before I went to bed at 11:00 and she was sleeping on her mattress that I put on the floor next to her bed (for just in case purposes) I re-covered her up and went on to bed. She awoke again at 12:57am - UGH - and I didn't get back into my bed until 2:02am. That sucked. Her eyes were wide open and I was so afraid she wasn't going to go to sleep. She then continued to sleep the rest of the night and until about 7:30 this morning! YAY for our first night in the bed.
I put her down for her nap in her bed and she was just fine. It may be too soon to say, but I think this may go better than anticipated. Fingers crossed.
Good luck! Hopefully tonight will go even better than last night.
Yah....... good for my little Dolly. I would say that was not bad for her first night in her own bed. I give you a big pat on the back for sticking with her staying in her bed. I would think that it will only get better. Unforunately us Mom's lose sleep during the process, but the day will come when she will be in there all night with no wake-ups. Good job Kristine dear.... Ma loves you...
Looks like she's figuring it out! I have a hard time sleeping in a new bed myself. :)
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