Monday, March 3, 2008

My love/hate relationship

I have this rediculous love/hate relationship with Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs. I love them so much I could eat them all day long! I don't know what I was thinking when I bought a whole pack of 6 at Target last week. Surprisingly, I haven't finished off the pack yet. YET! I think there is only one left, though. I used to have to wait until Easter time every year to get these wonderful things, but now Reese's makes them as pumpkins for Halloween and Christmas Trees for Christmas. So, I get them a couple of times per year now. The other holiday ones are never as good as the Easter ones, though. I know it's totally a psychological thing but I don't care!


Soupy said...

oh my goodness! I LOVE THESE! I just scarfed down a ton of them last week here at work - we had them for a staff meeting, and the leftovers were in my room - not safe! LOL
They are pure heaven in an egg shape. I love to freeze the mini's and pop them in my mouth, pure sweet love.

Anonymous said...

You deserve it. You are a hard working Women, Wife & Mother. I am glad I am not a candy eater of any kind. But give me chips and dip......

Jeni said...

I'm the same way with Cadbury eggs, this time of year is trouble :)