We are expecting lots of deliveries in the next couple of weeks here!! How exciting!!
On Friday Ma ordered Graycen's bed! She was so kind and offered to buy it for us. I put up a mini-fight - which I shouldn't have done because when you argue with Ma, you will lose...guaranteed! I went back and forth on the debate of twin size bed and toddler bed for quite some time. If you ask ma, she will tell you...there was LOTS of debating. In the end, I decided to go with a
toddler bed. Twin beds aren't nearly as inexpensive as I would have thought. A toddler bed is lower to the floor and I wouldn't have to worry about Graycen having trouble climbing in and out. Also, if she did happen to fall, it's about a foot.. not too bad. The bed will be shipped direct from the manufacturer, so we are looking at a 2 week wait time on it. The
mattress is in stock and that we should see before the bed. Yay for big girl beds!!

On Friday I also ordered a potty training book. Yes, a potty training book. Lately Graycen has been showing signs that maybe we should start the process. I am not expecting anything to happen for a while, but I think we are going to start it. She has dug in her poopy diapers quite a few times lately. When she poops she grabs the crotch of her diaper and says "poopy" she also takes her diapers off - a lot! I thought about it a little and talked to David. We decided to get the ball rolling. I really have no idea where to start, so I decided to do what I do best - look for a book about it! Since I enjoy
Elizabeth Pantley so much, I decided to buy her book
No-cry Potty Training Solution. Gentle Ways to Help Your Child Say Goodbye to Diapers. I was going to buy a potty chair this weekend but didn't know what to get. Why are there so many choices for a stinking potty chair??? So, I will wait until my book gets here and go from there.

Yesterday we went furniture shopping. I kind of figured we weren't going to find anything that we really liked yesterday. I was expecting a couple of shopping days to find "the set" Well, that didn't happen. We went to a couple of places and didn't see anything that was like "that's ours!" We went to
Slumberland and found a nice set that we both liked. The guy asked if we were familiar with the
Slumberland Clearance Outlet at all. I knew of it, David said "yes" like he knew what it was (but he really didn't) He told us they have LOTS of stock there and they also had a waaaaay better offer there for this set. We would have paid $998 for it at the Slumberland store, but at the Outlet it was $599 for the set! They had overstock of it and had a deal to steal - buy the
sofa for $599, get the
loveseat ($579 value) free. How could we pass it up?? We trucked on over to the Clearance Outlet, looked around and then decided to for sure go with it. We were in and out in less than 20 minutes! Our furniture is being delivered on Wednesday - I can't wait!!!!

Love all of it. I am thinking you need to put the new mattress in the crib and let Graycie have the one she is use to for her bed. Dave needs to get his TOOLS out and get that rocking chair put together when Graycie's bed arrives.
Love the look of that book. Hope it helps out. Let me know how it goes. Love Ma
Wow, Graycen is already showing signs of being ready for potty training!? What a big girl! You'll have to let me know how that goes and what works best for when Hailey is ready. Also, I LOVE the couches you guys got! I have been keeping my eye on sets like that, but never had the money/time to buy. Maybe I'll have to meander over to the Clearance Outlet...if one of these long-shot jobs pan out :) Looking forward to Friday!
Wow - lots of cool stuff for your house! Love the big girl bed. I agree with your Mom, she should keep her own mattress and baby gets the new one. There are some studies that show that babies that sleep on used crib mattresses have higher rates of SIDS.
We really like the "big" baby bjorn potty chair. There is also a little one that sits lower to the ground. We started with that one, but it was too low and I had to buy the bigger one anyways. We were extra careful not to get one with any sharp plastic seams around the edges, as I've heard horror stories about little boys getting their private parts cut badly. A mommy message board I'm on had lots of raves for the baby bjorn and I'm glad we bought it. Good luck with everything!
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