Thursday, October 18, 2007

The fun game of tag!

I was tagged by Jessica and she told me I have to write 7 true things about myself and then tag 7 people. Thanks for including me Jessica!

1. I absolutely adore being a mother and a wife! I was definitely meant to be "domestic"
2. I own the Britney Spears Greatest Hits CD - I'm not too embarrassed to admit it!
3. I married my high school sweetheart. It has been almost 5 years now!
4. My feelings get hurt extremely easily. I take things too personally.
5. I know it's horrible, but I love celebrity gossip (People Magazine, US Weekly, In Touch..all of them!)
6. I can never turn down a delicious dessert.
7. I don't know what I would do without my digital camera or email!

I have tagged:

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