The other night, David went to a show and he took the digital camera with him (which I hate when he does for fear of him losing it) and what happened? Yep, he lost it! He doesn't know where he lost it. He went to a buddy's house after the show and thought it might have been there. He called up all the guys he was with and none of them have seen it or have it. He also checked all over in the car and even called the venue they were at. No luck!
I am just thankful that I decided to empty the memory card first. Something just told me to do it. I would have lost 237 files total (mostly pics but some videos of Graycen, too) if I hadn't done that. The camera we had has been discontinued - because they have come out with a new model for it - but thankfully, working at Best Buy I can still get that camera shipped in from our warehouse and get it for about $160 less than we originally paid for it. So, if there is an upside to this whole stinking situation, it's that I am getting the camera for a bargain and I don't have to learn to use a new camera all over again.
I can guarantee he won't ask to take the camera to again....
Ughh! It is so hard to find a camera that you like. I *secretly* wish I would lose my camera. I am saving up for the Canon Rebel XT, but losing the old one would justify my purchase now.
I am so happy that you got the pictures off. I take the pictures off my camera all the time. Never know when even the camera decides to stop working. Good thing that we love Dave to much to get mad at him. Love the pictures and the video of his performance. Too bad the video was so dark... but I could listen to it.
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that happened! Thank God you downloaded the pictures first.
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