Oh boy! I forgot all about the joys of middle-of-the-night charlie horses that happen
during pregnancy. Last night I was so rudely awoken with probably
THE WORST charlie horse I have ever had in my life. It actually brought me to tears. I woke up with the sharp pain in my leg and tried rubbing it and flexing my muscle to get it to stop and it just didn't want to quit. I have never had it last so long. It was probably a good 4 minutes or so. I thought I was going to die! Thankfully I didn't wake David up (since I was crying and all.) Yay for leg cramps!
I just got an instant flashback to those awful nights I would wake up hopping around the room trying to stretch out my calves. I was told milk/dairy helps. The joys of pregnancy!
Oh my Lord, I have several of those a week - though I do find it's better if I take a couple of calcium tablets before I go to bed. They're awful!
Oh no - I hated those. Did you try pulling up on your foot (with your leg straight)? It's hard to do when in so much pain, but it makes them go away so much sooner. An old athlete's tip Mitch taught me...
I think that we have all been there and done that. We have all tried different things. Some work, some don't. I had them really bad with Dave. Love You.
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