**Are you one of those people who use a high-pitched, sing-song voice when talking to babies and small children? It's not high-pitched or sing-song, it's a little different from my adult voice, but I honestly don't alter it a whole lot. I have read (and heard) children talk sooner and are *smarter* when it comes to their vocabulary if you talk to them normally. Sometimes you can't resist the fun baby voice, though.
**If you were standing in line next to a *very* pregnant stranger at the bank or grocery store, what would you say to her? Well, it depends. Some people are interested in talking and you can tell by their body language. If they look like they are waiting to be talked to, I have said "when are you?" but only when I am ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, sure they are pregnant.
**Similarly, what do you say or do near babies in public? "How cute! How old is he/she? (but only if you can tell the sex for sure) "how old are you?"
**When walking through a department store, are you the sort of person who can go by the baby clothes without even a glance or do you have to stop to ooh and ahh? Even before I had Graycen, I always have looked. I have wanted to be a mom for my whole life. I have always adored baby clothes and everything baby!! Now that I have a daughter, I can't resist....
1 comment:
**Are there any babies in your family or circle of friends? Same as what Kristine says: Matt and Jill had baby Ava.. and I want to know what she meant when she said "Maybe there will be another baby soon"...I am going to send an email.. this is driving me crazy..
**Are you one of those people who use a high-pitched, sing-song voice when talking to babies and small children? I don't think that I do anything special with the pitch of my voice...but you know I don't pay attention that I do that. I am always in a loud environment..so it is hard for me to keep my voice down.
**If you were standing in line next to a *very* pregnant stranger at the bank or grocery store, what would you say to her? I don't say anything unless the person first acknowledges me in a friendly way, then I might say something.
**Similarly, what do you say or do near babies in public? The usual...how cute they are, ask their age.
**When walking through a department store, are you the sort of person who can go by the baby clothes without even a glance or do you have to stop to ooh and ahh? I have always looked for a brief moment. It has been so long since a little one is in our life, I did not get into looking to long. Since Graycen, I am always in the baby, childrens area... I just want to buy and buy.. but know I can't...but love looking
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