I just found out this morning that my niece, Alexis, has the chicken pox. I called our pediatrician and what she told me was..... it starts out with symptoms just like the "virus" she had last week. GREAT! Now that they know she was exposed to someone with chicken pox, they say it is more than likely that she has caught it. I guess they are contagious from 7-21 days before they break out in the "blisters" Wow, this is going to be fun.
Wow ... I hope the itchies won't be too bad for her. Hang in there, and make sure to keep her nails trimmed so she doesn't scratch the sores too badly.
I guess that's one vaccine you can cross off your list. ;-)
Oh, poor thing (and poor you)! But I gotta tell you, I wish I would have had the chicken pox at Graycen's age. I had them when I was 15, and it was no picnic! I hope it'll all be over soon!
Oh No!!! I'm so sorry to hear this.... I hope she's doing okay.
Yeah it's going to stink for a little while...but its probably good news! You will never have to worry about her having it (or not having it...vaccines) again! But good luck!
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