Graycen woke up from her nap on Friday and had no fever. I called the
Dr and she said we can cancel the appointment since the fever was gone. OK. We went out to Target and
Walmart, came home, ate dinner. I kept noticing that it seemed like
Graycen kept choking, but on nothing. It was also seeming like she was having difficulty swallowing. I noticed she was hot - AGAIN. I took her temp - the fever was back! I called the
Dr, they wanted me to bring her in to urgent care. So we go in (it's 7:45pm now) they check her out, take her temp - 103.2 - WOW! Gave her some Tylenol. The
Dr comes in, says her throat looks red, they want to do a strep test and check her white cell count. The
Dr does a swab inside of her mouth, which she hated, they sent it over to the lab and sent us over to the lab to have blood drawn. We go sit and wait in the waiting area, the assistant calls us back to the room. Dr comes in, no strep. They find she has a virus. I asked the
Dr how long she is contagious, he says "
ahhh you don't want to know"
ok..... "2 weeks" wow again! Because kids are always putting their hands in their face and on everything it is contagious a little longer.
okie dokie. We have to give her Tylenol and Motrin every 3 hours (alternating each one) it sucks. it's only
until the fever is surely gone. Dr also said he wouldn't be surprised, since her immune system is down, if she turned up with an ear infection or something in the next few days.
That was our fun adventure. She is seeming a lot better now. No fever and she is wanting to eat again. Poor girl.
Wow, I'm sorry to hear she isn't feeling well. Although I have to say I think 2 weeks is a bit silly for being contagious. Alex has had a few viruses and the rule for going back to daycare was 24-48 hours past any fever, vomiting, rash, etc. And I think they are strict because they don't want any other kids catching it!
It might be worth getting a second opinion from your regular ped's office. :)
Give lots of hugs and kisses from GrandmaCJ...
Oh, no. I hope she feels better soon. :)
I hope she is feeling better!
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