I have seen them all over the place and think they are absolutely adorable on kids!! I think they may be a good investment as Graycen has wide feet and I have read these run wide and big. I like them because you don't have to worry about them getting wet and they just seem like a good sturdy shoe/sandal. I think they would be better than your regular girl sandals for outside play. (those are the sandals I just bought for Graycen so she has some) I just don't know if I can justify $27.99 (the price I have found everywhere) for a pair of sandals. Can I? Because if I do buy them, I will only buy the actual thing, not a Payless or Target knock-off of them.
If you have these for your kid(s) please chime in, I would love to hear what you have to say about them. Also, if you know of a place to get a deal, I would love to know that, too!
Well, I usually end up buying 2 pairs of sandals because my son lives in them and the second is ruined come mid-summer, so maybe $30 is worth it?!
He doesn't have crocs though, sorry.
Last summer Rebecca had a pair of the Mary Jane style crocs. I thought they were overpriced, but Grandma insisted. :) I loved them! They were great for the playground, the beach, the mall, and then could be washed off and looked great. They looked adorable with her summer dresses and a lightweight pair of socks, so she wore them to church too. They the held up very well and she can still wear them now after a summer of use.
The big problem I have this year is that her old ones are just about too small (she can't wear socks with them anymore), but the next size bigger is strangely huge. They look two sizes bigger in width.
I've read scary things about escalators and crocs, so I carry her if we happen to need to ride one.
Hailey has a pair of crocs. We got them for her at Disney World so they have the little mouse ears logo for holes. I know Graycen's feet are bigger, but we have a hard time keeping them on her feet. Other than that they are great! So yeah, the only complaint is how easy they are to take off, especially with how active Hailey is.
Ohh that is a tough question! I have a hard time spending that on shoes for myself, and my feet are done growing. But they are super cute, and if it helps you by being more convenient, it may be worth it! Have you checked out second hand stores or ebay? Isn't once upon a child a second hand store (yikes I haven't lived in a large city in too long)!!
I have seen your site a few times and decided to chime in! My son (3.5) has had a pair of crocs for a year now and they still are in great shape, and he loves to put them on and off by his self. But i have learned lately that Croc will replace, for free, the rivets and straps! Just go to their FAQ page! That in its self is worth it!
Will Crocs, Inc. replace a broken rivet?
Yes! Click here to request rivets! You will need to register for our website if you are not already. We will send them to you at no charge.
Will Crocs, Inc. replace a broken strap?
Yes! Click here to request a strap. Please give us the size, color and model of the shoe. Include your shipping address and we’ll ship you a new strap at no charge.
I've heard they are super-comfy - but I've also heard they can be slippery and that people wearing crocs bite the dust at Target all the time. Don't remember where I heard it - probably on some message board 3 years ago so don't listen to me.
I don't think it's unreasonable to spend that much money on sandals. I'm all about good shoes for kids while their feet are still growing.
I've heard raves about them from other mommies- that they are wondeful inthe summer and just clean up so easily!
I just bought Wyatt a knock-off pair from Toys R Us. ($10) They don't have rivits in the back, they have velcro on both sides. This worked better for us to get a snugger fit.
He's still not too sure about them. I think he can tell they are different than sneaks.
Roan wore a pair last year. He could put them on himself so he was very proud. They must have been very comfortable because he chose to wear them. He wore them so much that he actually wore them out. They lost the tracking on the bottom and he started slipping. He has new ones this year. They are worth the almost $30 they cost...especially is you prorate them on the amount of times they wear them.
We got some for Daniel a week and a half ago, and he wears them a lot. They're so easy to clean up!
We got them on clearance for 40 percent off at a shop in Duluth. I'll bet you could find some deals if you looked around.
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